Final Circular

The 2004 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Astronomical Society (Taiwan)

Taipei Astronomical Museum, April 24-25 (Saturday and Sunday), 2004

The 2004 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Astronomical Society (Taiwan)
will be held at Taipei Astronomical Museum on April 24-25, 2004.
This is the annual meeting for astronomers and astrophysicists in Taiwan
to report their research and to exchange their ideas.
In scientific sessions, Prof. James Binney (Fellow of Merton College,
Oxford University), Prof. Sun Kwok (Director, Institute of Astronomy and
Astrophysics, Academia Sinica), and Prof. Lou-Chuang Lee (President, National
Applied Research Laboratories; Director, National Space Program Office) will
give three invited talks. Contributed papers are organized as poster
presentations and parallel oral sessions including a project-oriented one.
In addition, there are discussion sessions
on astronomy education in Taiwan and on future developments in Taiwan's
astronomy. We are also pleased to announce that a public lecture will be
delivered by Prof. Wei-Hsin Sun (Institute of Astronomy, National Central
University). An SMA user meeting is also scheduled.

The agenda and list of oral presentations are attached below. For further
details and more updated information of the Annual Meeting, please visit
the society web site at <>.

Organizing Committee
Chang, Hsiang-Kuang (NTHU)
Chang, Kuei-Lan     (TAM)
Chen, Wen-Ping      (NCU)
Chin, Yi-Nan        (TKU)
Gir, Bi-Yang        (TAM)
Ip, Wing            (NCU) (chair)
King, Sun-Kun       (AS)
Lin, Hung-Chin      (NCU)

Scientific Program Committee
Chang, Hsiang-Kuang (NTHU) (co-chair)
Chin, Yi-Nan        (TKU)
Chiueh, Tzihong     (NTU)
Hsu, Rue-Ron        (NCKU)
Ip, Wing            (NCU) (co-chair)
Kuan, Yi-Jehng      (NTNU)
Yuan, Chi           (AS)

1. Poster authors should be present at the poster site at least in
the time interval of 17:30-18:30, 4/24.
2. The winners of the best-poster competition will be announced at
the banquet and will give a 5-minute presentation in the session
at 09:50-10:20, 4/25. Be prepared. You could be one of the winners.
3. For the list of all posters and all submitted abstracts, please
4. The program and abstract book will be provided upon your payment
of the registration fee, NTD500, at the meeting front desk.