Abstract Information
論文題目 Submitted Titles
口頭報告 ( Oral Presentation) |
# | Type | Title | Author |
1 | Oral | 港和國小天文特色教育的過去、現在與未來 | 鄭文光、陳翠雯、王憶萍 |
2 | Oral | Resistive MHD test for JETSET code benchmarks | Miljenko Cemeljic |
3 | Oral | A Close Binary Discovered from Its Occultation by (87) Sylvia | Chi-Long Lin, Zhi-Wei Zhang, Wen-Ping Chen, Sun-Kun King, Hung-Chin Lin |
4 | Oral | Probing rotating disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars | Dinh Van Trung, Manoj Puravankara, Jeremy Lim, Wen-Ping Chen |
5 | Oral | Methane Imaging to Characterize the Substellar Population in IC 348 | Soumen Mondal and Wen-Ping Chen |
6 | Oral | Periodicity Search of Possible Counterparts of unidentified EGRET sources | Lupin Chun-Che Lin (林峻哲), Hsiang-Kuang Chang (張祥光) |
7 | Oral | Particle acceleration and non-thermal emission in the Crab-like pulsars | J. Takata, H.-K. Chang |
8 | Oral | High-energy Emission from Pulsar Magnetospheres | Hirotani, Kouichi |
9 | Oral | Near-infrared Study of the Carina Nebula | Kaushar Sanchawala, Wen-Ping Chen, Devendra Ojha, Swarna Kanti Ghosh, Yasushi Nakajima, Motohide Tamura, Daisuke Baba, Shuji Sato, Masahiro Tsujimoto |
10 | Oral | VLBI Studies of SiO Masers around VX Sagittarii | Xi Chen, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Dong-Rong Jiang, Yi-Jehng Kuan |
11 | Oral | Star formation in young open star clusters | A. K. Pandey, S. Sharma, W. P. Chen, D. K. Ojha, K. Ogura |
12 | Oral | Multi-J, Multi-Isotope CO observations of Arp 220 | S. Matsushita, D. Iono, G. Petitpas, M. Gurwell, T.R, Hunter, J. Lim, S. Muller, A.B. Peck, K. Sakamoto, D.-V.-Trung, M.C. Wiedner, D.J. Wilner, C.D. Wilson |
13 | Oral | Current Status of the ALMA Project | Nagayoshi Ohashi |
14 | Oral | HH 212: SMA observations of a remarkable protostellar jet | Chin-Fei Lee, Naomi Hirano, Paul T.P. Ho, Henrik Beuther, Tyler Bourke, Hsien Shang, & Qizhou Zhang |
15 | Oral | Lulin 2-m telescope project (1): Overview | Kinoshita Daisuke and Lulin 2-m Telescope Project members |
16 | Oral | Quake-induced torsional MHD oscillations of gamma-bursting magnetars | Sergey Bastrukov and Hsiang-Kuang Chang |
17 | Oral | High-Velocity Outflowing Gas toward Luminous Young Stellar Object IRAS 20126+4104 | Su, Yu-Nung, Liu, Sheng-Yuan, Chen, Huei-Ru, & Zhang, Qizhou |
18 | Oral | Characterestics of molecular outflow and bubbles in the starburst galaxy NGC 2146 | Tsai, A.L.; Matsushita, S.; Nakanishi, K.; Kohno, K.; Kawabe, R.; Inui, T.; Matsumoto, H.; Tsuru, T.G.; and Peck, A.B. |
19 | Oral | 654 GHz Continuum and C18O(6-5) Observations of G240.31+0.07 with the SMA | Huei-Ru Chen, Yu-Nung Su, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Todd Hunter, David Wilner, Qizhou Zhang, Jeremy Lim, Paul Ho, Nagayoshi Ohashi, and Naomi Hirano |
20 | Oral | Sequentially triggered star formations at the periphery of HII regions | K. Motoyama, H.Shang, T. Umemoto |
21 | Oral | The Ultra-luminous X-Ray Sources Near the Center of M82 | Yi-Jung Yang, Pei-Ying Hsieh, Albert K. H. Kong, Daisy S. Y. Mak, C. S. Jason Pun |
22 | Oral | Methyl Cyanide Submillimeter Imaging of the Low-Mass Protobinary System IRAS 16293-2422 | Hui-Chun Huang, Yi-Jehng Kuan, Sheng-Yuan Liu, and Naomi Hirano |
23 | Oral | Star Formation in the Centaurus Arm | Jennifer Karr, Manoj P, Nagayoshi Ohashi |
24 | Oral | Survivability of open clusters in a dispersing molecular cloud | Hui-Chen Chen, Chung-Ming Ko |
25 | Oral | Information From 2MASS Star Count | Chang, C.K.; Pong, T.H.; Ko, C.M. |
26 | Oral | Yields from Low-Mass Population III and Extremely Metal Poor Stellar Models | Simon Campbell and John Lattanzio |
27 | Oral | A Survey of Large-Scale Molecular Outflows associated with Intermediate-Mass Protostellar Candidates in the OMC-2/3 region. | Satoko Takahashi, Masao Saito, Shigehisa Takakuwa, Motohide Tamura, Ryohei Kawabe, Nobuhiko Kusakabe, Yoshito Shimajiri |
壁報論文 ( Poster Presentation) |
# | Type | Title | Author |
1 | Poster
 | The PDMF in the central region of the Arches cluster | Hui-Chen Chen, Simon Portegies Zwart, Evghenii Gaburov, M. Atakan Gurkan |
2 | Poster | A Molecular Bipolar Flow in the Multipolar Planetary Nebula NGC 2440 | Mei-Yan Wang, Tatsuhiko Hasegawa, Sun Kwok |
3 | Poster | Search for Counterparts of High-Mass X-ray Binaries at Near Infrared | Kuo-Pin Huang, Chorng-Yuan Hwang |
4 | Poster | Multi-Sample Spectral-Line Survey of Three Evolved Stars at Millimeter-wave | Jin-Hua Shen (沈景華), Yi-Jehng Kuan (管一政) and Fang-Chun Liu (劉芳君) |
5 | Poster
 | Near-Infrared Polarimetric Imaging of the Giant H II region NGC3576 | Y. H. Shih (施逸昕), W. P. Chen (陳文屏), W. S. Hsiao (蕭文珊), and M. Tamura |
6 | Poster | Energy-Dependence Pulse Arrival Times of Accretion-Powered Millisecond Pulsar XTE J0929-314 | P. Cheng(鄭寶玲), Y. Chou(周翊), Y. Chung(鐘怡音), T. J. Li(李姿蓉), T. C. Yang(楊庭彰), P. Hsu(徐鵬英), C. J. Chien(簡淨茹) |
7 | Poster | Oxygen-bearing Molecules in the Orion KL Hot Molecular Core | Yu-Sen Hsu (許育森), Yi-Jehng Kuan (管一政), Kuo-Song Wang (王國松) |
8 | Poster | The Sodium Exosphere and Extended Coma of Mercury | Yung-Ching Wang, Wing Huen Ip |
9 | Poster | Probing Organic Chemistry in Orion KL with the SMA | Kuo-Song Wang (王國松), Yi-Jehng Kuan (管一政), Sheng-Yuan Liu (呂聖元) |
10 | Poster | Current Status of the Lulin Observatory | H.-C. Lin (林宏欽), W.-P. Chen (陳文屏), K.-H. Chang (張光祥), M.-H. Chang(張明新), Y.-H. Chang(張永欣), J.-S. Shi (石俊雄), J.-C. Du(杜進全), R.-J. Wang (汪榮進), H.-W. Shi (石皓偉), C.-S. Lin (林啟生) and C.-Y. Shih (施佳佑) |
11 | Poster | A Statistical study of color variations of KBOs | H. J. Hsu (許歆仁) , Edward Lin (林省文), & W. H. Ip (葉永烜) |
12 | Poster | Multi-band observations of GRB 051021 — a possible dark GRB | Y.H. Lee, Y. Urata, K.Y. Huang, W.H. Ip and EAFON team |
13 | Poster
 | SPARX: Simulation Platform for Astrophysical Radiative Xfer | Eric Chung, Sheng-Yuan Liu |
14 | Poster | Fine Orbital Parameters and Energy Dependent Phase Lags of Accretion Powered Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1814-338 | Y. Chung (鍾怡音), Y. Chou(周翊), P. Cheng(鄭寶玲), P. Hsu(徐鵬英), T.J.Li(李姿蓉), C.J.Chien(簡淨茹), T.C.Yang(楊庭彰) |
15 | Poster | Gravitational Lensing Data in MOND | S.F. Yen, C.M. Ko |
16 | Poster | Magnetic Energy Transport and Dissipation between a Hot Jupiter and Its Host Star | Li-An Yu, Pin-Gao Gu |
17 | Poster | Submillimeter Observations of the Massive Star Forming Region W3(H2O) | Li, Yu-Ting |
18 | Poster | Charge Exchange and Ion Chemistry in the Gas Coma of Enceladus | Tseng, Wei-Ling and Wing-Huen, Ip |
19 | Poster | Instrumentation Plan for the Lulin Two-Meter Telescope | Chen, W. P. and the Lulin 2-m Team |
20 | Poster | Searching for New Variable Stars in the TAOS Data | Lin, Chien-Cheng; Chen, Wen-Ping; Soumen Mondal; Zhi-Wei Zhang |
21 | Poster | Activity and Morphology of Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 close to its closest approach to the Earth | Z.Y. Lin (林忠義), W.H. Ip (葉永烜), T.C. Yang (楊庭彰), C.S. Lin (林啟生) and H.C. Lin (林宏欽) |
22 | Poster | Orbital Element Determination of Artificial Satellites from Observations | Wen-Shan Hsiao; Wen-Ping Chen; Hung-Chin Lin |
23 | Poster | The Infall Motions toward the W3(OH) Massive Star-Forming Region Traced by HCO+ | Shih-Hao Lan (藍仕豪) |
24 | Poster | Searching for dust in the intracluster medium | Wu, S.Y.; Muller, S.; Hsieh, B.C.; Yee, H.K.C.; Gonzalez, R.A.; Loinard, L.; Gladders, M.D.; Lin, H. and Gilbank, D. |
25 | Poster | Molecular Line Emission in W75N | Mao-Chen Chao, Vivien Chen, Yu-Nung Su, Sheng-Yuan Liu |
26 | Poster | Where are Supermassive Black Hole Binary systems? | Wang Pin-wei(王斌威), Chen Lin-wen(陳林文) |
27 | Poster | Cosmic Ray and Waves Driven Instability | (羅英奕)Y. Y. Lo, (顏聖峰)S. F. Yen, (高仲明)C. M. Ko |
28 | Poster | AMR Simulations and the Star Formation Effect on High Redshift Absorption Systems | Yi-Jung Yang, Alexei O. Razoumov, Michael L. Norman, Arthur M. Wolfe |
29 | Poster | Photometry of Two Known Transiting Exoplanets HD 189733 b and HD 209458 b | 陳漢洲, 胡瑞華, 葉永烜 |
30 | Poster | Photometry of the Peculiar Nearby Supernova SN 2006jc with Lulin Observatory | Ting-Wan Chen (陳婷琬), Ying-Tung Chen (陳英同), Li-Jin Huang (黃麗錦), Wing-Huen Ip (葉永烜), Lin, Hung-Chin (林宏欽), Chi-Sheng Lin (林啟生), Hsing-Wen Lin (林省文), Kuo-Pin Huang (黃國斌), Yi-Chen Chen (陳以忱) |
31 | Poster | Warm Molecular Hydrogen Gas in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies | Chorng-Yuan Hwang and Jhen-Kuei Guo |
32 | Poster | Science Programs for the 2-m Telescope at Lulin Observatory | Chou, Y. and 2-m Team |
33 | Poster | Global Star Count Function of 2MASS | Ting-Hung Peng (彭定弘), Chan-Kao Chang (章展誥) and Chung-Ming Ko (高仲明) |
34 | Poster | Energy-dependent Pulse Arrival Time for the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 in its 2002 Outburst | T. J. Li, Y. Chou, Y. Chung, P. Cheng, P. Hsu, C. J. Chien, T. C. Yang |
35 | Poster | Young Stars in the Lupus 3 Molecular Cloud | Ya-Ting Jhang, W. P. Chen, Wen Shan Hsiao & F. Y. Huang |
36 | Poster | Two Extreme Young Protostars : B1-bN & B1-bS | Fang-Chun Liu (劉芳君), Naomi Hirano (平野尚美), Shih-Ping Lai (賴詩萍), Tomofumi Umemoto (梅本智文) |
37 | Poster | Environmental effects on the evolution of X-ray sources in Chandra Deep Field South | H. L. Yao (姚漢林) , L. W. Chen (陳林文) |
38 | Poster | Searching for Open Clusters in the Milky Way Disk | Kuan-Ju Fu (傅冠儒) and Wen-Ping Chen (陳文屏) |
39 | Poster | Fractal analysis of solar active regions | Chia-Hsien Liao(廖家賢) Wing-Huen Ip(葉永烜) |
40 | Poster | A Study of Star Formation of the Near-by Galaxies, M51, M83, M101. | I-Chenn Chen |
41 | Poster | Submillimeter array CO (J=3-2) observations of NGC 1068 | Mengchun Tsai and Chorng-Yuan Hwang |
42 | Poster | Merging galaxies in RCS2 | Ming-Yen Chang |
43 | Poster | Organic Molecules in Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 | En-Chuan Huang (黃恩泉), Yi-Jehng Kuan (管一政) |
44 | Poster | Be 星球的紅外超量與環星塵埃的分布及形成 | Chien-De Lee (李建德), Wen-Ping Chen (陳文屏) |
45 | Poster | The Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Evolution of Cryptic Region | Jeng-Jong Jian, Wing-Huen Ip |
46 | Poster | Multiple Coaxial Rings in the Bipolar Nebula Hubble 12 | Sun Kwok & Chih-Hao Hsia |
47 | Poster | Statistical Assessment of Data Quality on the TAOS Project | Zhang, Zhi-Wei(張智威), Chen, Wen-Ping(陳文屏) |
48 | Poster | Speckle observation of close binary stars | Yi-Cheng Yen, Hsieh-Hai Fu |
49 | Poster | Site construction for Two-Meter telescope in Lulin | Ming-Hsin Chang and Lulin 2-m Telescope Project members |
50 | Poster | Similarity of the TNO Shadows and Distance Estimate in an Occultation Survey | Sun-Kun King, Hsiang-Kuang Chang |