2022 ASROC Annual Meeting
National Chung Cheng University
September 30~October 2
Online registration available
Abstract submission deadline
Online registration deadline
Program available online
Meeting dates

Welcome to ASROC 2022 Annual Meeting

The 2022 Scientific Assembly of the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China (ASROC2022) will be held at National Chung Cheng University on Sep. 30 (Friday) – Oct. 2 (Sunday), 2022. This is an annual event for all astronomers and astrophysicists in Taiwan to present their most recent discoveries and observations, to report their latest research results, to exchange ideas, and to organize collaborations. Oral presentations and conference posters in all areas of astronomy and astrophysics are solicited. ASROC2022 is also an excellent venue for students, in particular graduate students, to present their research findings or progress from their thesis studies.

The titles of the plenary talks are WR Nebulae, 40 Years After (Distinguished Research Fellow Chu, You-Hua, ASIAA) and The Art and Science in Astrophotography (Research Fellow Wang, Wei-Hao, ASIAA).

The KAGRA Collaboration of Taiwan will also host a gravitational wave data analysis study hub (registration form: https://reurl.cc/xOMq3Z) during the 2022 ASROC meeting (9/30-10/2). This study hub is a follow-up hands-on activity of the 5th GW open data workshop and provides an opportunity to learn/discuss GW data analysis with mentors in person. The purpose of this study hub is to encourage GW research using LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA data. It is supported by ASROC, GWOSC, and the KAGRA collaboration of Taiwan.

In the general assembly meeting on Oct. 2, the Society will present the 6th Heaven Quest Award to Distinguished Research Fellow Chu, You-Hua, and in the meantime, National Central University will present her an asteroid inscription for her outstanding contributions to astronomical research.

A competition for the best oral and poster award for students will be held during the meeting. The best student oral presentation will be awarded with NT$10,000 prize and three best student posters will be awarded with NT$5,000 prize. The three best poster winners need to give a 3-minute oral presentation in the general assembly meeting on Oct. 2.

ASROC2022 website is now reopen for new registration and abstract submission. The deadline for online registration is Sep. 5, and for abstract submission, Aug. 29. Participants of the scientific assembly should submit their abstracts and register on-line. A registration fee of NT$1,000 (NT$800 for students) should be paid on site.


Registration Fee

  • General Registration: NT$1000
  • Student Registration: NT$800
  • Please pay on site

Program Committee

  • Wang, Shiang-Yu (ASIAA; Chair)
  • Woo, Tak-Pong (NTU)
  • Chin, Yi-Nan (TKU)
  • Tseng, Wei-Ling (NTNU)
  • Hwang, Chorng-Yuan (NCU)
  • Lai, Shih-Ping (NTHU)
  • Chen, Bing-Chih (NCKU)
  • Kuo, Cheng-Yu (NSYSU)


  • Han, Dian-Jiun (NCCU; Co-chair)
  • Wang, Andrew (ASIAA; Co-chair)
  • King, Sun-Kun (ASIAA)
  • Chou, Mei-Yin (ASIAA)
  • Chiu, Cindy (ASIAA)
  • Lin, Suh-Lian (ASIAA)