從 2003 年開始,本會與臺北市立天文科學教育館合作出版「臺北天文館學報 (Journal of Taipei Astronomical Museum)」。本會及天文館邀請專家擔任編審委員,並選出優秀作品,自 2006年 (Vol. 4) 起於每年年會時頒發「臺北市立天文館期刊編輯獎」,以茲表揚。
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2003 | 銀河系核心及盤面的隨機恆星形成歷史 / The Stochastic Star Formation History of the Galactic Core and Disk | 黃癸雲、葉永烜 | 1 | |
2003 | 活躍星系核中心區域的幾何結構以及運動模式 / Geometric Structure and Kinematics of the Central Region of Active Galactic Nuclei | 鄭以文、孫維新 | 13 | |
2003 | Coma星系團中產生無線電輻射與硬X射線的電子再加速模型 / A Model for Electron Re-acceleration Producing Radio and Hard X-Ray Emission in the Coma Cluster | 郭炳宏、黃崇源、葉永烜 | 24 | |
2003 | 宇宙射線─磁流動力學系統之模擬 / Simulation of Cosmic Ray-Magnetohydrodynamics System | 桑原匠史、羅英奕、高仲明 | 32 | |
2003 | 用二微米巡天觀測(2MASS)資料庫研究年輕星團成員星之空間分佈 / Spatial Distribution of Young Cluster Members Using 2MASS Database | 陳錦威、陳文屏 | 39 | |
2003 | 分子雲演化的二維模型 / A Two-dimensional Model of Molecular Cloud Evolution | 陳慧真、高仲明 | 49 | |
2003 | A Preliminary Light Analysis for EC19314-5915 | 陳岸立 (A. Chen) | 59 | |
2003 | 火星地帽的變化及能量收支 / Variations and Energy Budget of Martian Polar Caps | 簡正忠、葉永烜 | 70 | |
2003 | Fission Track Analysis and its Applications | 高銘鴻 (Ming-Hung Kao) | 76 | |
2003 | 攝影底片的噪訊比 / Noise Ratio of Photographic Film | 王為豪 | 84 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2004 | Shapley超星系團中星系團的排列 / Alignment of Galaxy Clusters in the Shapley Supercluster | 何佩勵、陳林文、Stephane Leon、Jean Guibert、顏吉鴻 | 1 | |
2004 | 重力透鏡現象的資料探勘 / Data Mining for Gravitational Lenses | 陳詩湧、葉永烜 / Tan Sze-Yeong, Ip Wing-Huen | 9 | |
2004 | 電波及正常星系之核心灰塵特徵 / Nuclear Dust Features in Radio and Normal Galaxies | 吳思瑩、孫維新 | 13 | |
2004 | 活躍星系核宿主星系之多波段光度研究 / Photometric Study of AGN Host Galaxies | 陳安貞、孫維新 | 17 | |
2004 | 年輕疏散星團 NGC 6910之光度、運動與動力 / The Photometry, Kinematics and Dynamics of Young Open Cluster NGC 6910 | 吳志剛、傅學海 | 25 | |
2004 | 長期監測低質量X-Ray雙星4U 1820-30 之軌道週期演化及運行機制 / The Long Term Monitoring of Orbital Modulation for Low Mass X-Ray Binary 4U 1820-30 | 楊盛智、周翊 | 33 | |
2004 | 「中美掩星計畫」的掩星偵測和星場選擇 / Occultation Detection and Field Selection for the TAOS Project | 黃裕仁、陳文屏、張智威 | 41 | |
2004 | 鹿林天文台CCD光度系統之特性與效能 / Characteristics and Performance of the CCD Photometric System at Lulin Observatory | 木下大輔、陳錦威、林宏欽、林忠義、黃癸雲、張永欣、陳文屏 | 49 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2005 | 次級電子在極明亮紅外星系中所扮演的角色 / Secondary Electrons on Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies | 張敏悌、黃崇源 | 1 | |
2005 | 探討具有偏極化寬譜線與不具有偏極化寬譜線之西佛二型星系 / Investigation of Hidden Broad-line Region and Non-hidden Broad-line Region Seyfert 2 Galaxies | 俞伯傑、黃崇源 | 9 | |
2005 | 對活躍星系X射線噴流的多波段研究 / A Multi-wavelength Study of X-ray Jets in Active Galaxies | 黃貞媛、陳林文 | 17 | |
2005 | 對銀河系球狀星團的形狀分析 / Morphology of Galactic Globular Clusters | 陳錦威、陳文屏 | 25 | |
2005 | 消散雲氣中的疏散星團 / Open Clusters in a Dispersing Cloud | 陳慧真、高仲明 | 33 | |
2005 | 利用參數化的方法研究X光雙星系統X 1916-053的X光dip之性質 / Parameterization Studies of the Properties of the X-ray Dip for Low Mass X-ray Binary X 1916-053 | 胡欽評、周翊 | 41 | |
2005 | 在疏散星團中尋找系外行星與變星 / Search for Exoplanets and Variable Stars in Open Clusters | 胡瑞華、葉永烜 | 49 | |
2005 | 從中子星的X 射線推論出磁傾角與觀察角 / Magnetic Inclination and Viewing Geometry of Neutron Stars Inferred From Their X-ray Emission | 卜宏毅 | 57 | |
2005 | 水星與金星凌日時的黑滴現象理論模擬 / A Theoretical Simulation of Black Drop Effect: Transit of Mercury and Venus | 林省文 | 65 | |
2005 | 大型EKBO(Quaoar、Ixion、2004DW)的自轉週期和表面顏色的測量 / The Rotation Period and Surface Colors of the Large EKBOs (Quaoar, Ixion, 2004DW) | 吳宇立、葉永烜 | 73 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2006 | 彗星離子尾研究簡史 / A Brief History of the Study of Cometary Plasma Tails | 葉永烜 | 1 | |
2006 | 長期監測吸積驅動毫秒波霎SAX J1808.4-3658之時變性質 / Long-term Monitoring for the Timing Properties of the Accretion-Powered Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 | 蔡兆陽、周翊 | 8 | |
2006 | 脈衝星磁場球內的粒子加速 / Particle Acceleration in Pulsar Magnetosphere | 徐佩君、廣谷幸一、張祥光 | 15 | |
2006 | 豺狼座第三號分子雲中的年輕恆星 / Young Stellar Population in the Lupus 3 Molecular Cloud | 黃峰毅、陳文屏、蕭文珊 | 22 | |
2006 | 估計在中美掩星計畫中古柏帶星體遮掩到背景恆星的機率 / Probability of Stellar Occultation by KBOs in the TAOS Project | 林建爭、陳文屏、張智威、Soumen Mondal | 29 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2007 | 外來因素對早期地球演化的影響 / Extraterrestrial Influence on the Evolution of the Early Earth | 郭新 | 1 | |
2007 | 以二微米巡天觀測近紅外資料研究本銀河系結構 / A Study on the Galactic Structure by 2MASS | 彭定弘、高仲明 | 8 | |
2007 | 使用網路視訊CCD進行雙星散斑干涉觀測 / Speckle Interferometry of Selected Binaries Using Webcam CCD | 傅學海、顏易程 | 15 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2008 | 濱死恆星旁的彗星樂園? / Comets Prancing around Dying Stars? | 朱有花 | 1 | |
2008 | 在銀河系盤面搜尋疏散星團 / Searching for Open Clusters in the Milky Way Disk | 傅冠儒、陳文屏 | 8 | |
2008 | 巨型氫離子區NGC 3576之近紅外偏極化觀測 / Near Infrared Polarimetric Imaging of the Giant HII region NGC 3576 | 施逸昕、陳文屏、蕭文珊、M. Tamura | 15 | |
2008 | 鹿林天文台CCD相機PI1300B的暗電流及增益值測量 / The Dark Current and Gain Measurements of CCD Camera PI1300B at Lulin Observatory | 黃相輔、木下大輔、施佳佑 | 23 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2009 | 鹿林天文台SLT望遠鏡的鹿林彗星觀測結果 / The Observations of Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) from SLT at Lulin Observatory | 林忠義、林宏欽、葉泉志、林啟生、Luisa M. Lara、葉永烜、夏志浩、蕭翔耀、林建賢 | 1 | |
2009 | 藉由SHASSA影像資料庫研究10個鄰近行星狀星雲Hα暗暈的分佈 / The Hα Halo Distribution of 10 Nearby Planetary Nebulae Based on the SHASSA Imaging Data | 夏志浩、李金增 | 8 | |
2009 | 屏蔽二型類星體的塵埃與其周圍星系環境的研究 / Obscuration in Type 2 QSOs and Their Environments | 徐麗婷、陳林文 | 15 | |
2009 | 鹿林天文台 CCD 相機 PI 1300B 在不同溫度下之增益及讀出雜訊之量測 / Measurement of Gain and Readout Noise of CCD Camera PI 1300B at Different Temperatures in Lulin Observatory | 楊庭彰、林建爭、木下大輔、饒兆聰 | 23 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2010 | 隼太空船返航之旅 / Hayabusa Back to the Earth | 阿部新助 | 1 | |
2010 | 利用二微米巡天計畫研究主序星在近紅外波段的色指數 / The NIR Colors of Main Sequence Stars in 2MASS | 彭定弘、高仲明 | 8 | |
2010 | 寓教於樂:太陽系儀與天文演示 / The Instructive Role of the Orrery in Astronomical Display | 黃相輔 | 15 | |
2010 | 藉由分子譜線偏振探測恆星形成區內的磁場結構 / Probing the Magnetic Field Structure in Star-Forming Regions through Molecular Line Polarization | 楊智軒、賴詩萍 | 24 | |
2010 | 分開Class 0原恆雙星VLA1623的兩道噴流 / Resolving the Two Outflows from the Class 0 Protobinary VLA1623 | 穆美蓉、賴詩萍 | 29 | |
2010 | 在Taurus分子雲中尋找VeLLO / Searching for Very Low Luminosity Objects (VeLLOs) in the Taurus Molecular Cloud | 宋仁翔、賴詩萍 | 34 | |
2010 | 位於低紅移(z<1)之新類型極高恆星生成率星系 / A New Class of Extremely Star-Forming Galaxies at z<1.0 | S. Foucaud, S. P. Bamford | 38 | |
2010 | 鄰近分子雲內的原恆星數量統計 / Population of Young Stellar Objects in Nearby Molecular Clouds | 謝天皓、賴詩萍 | 43 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2011 | 尋找決定原恆星盤演化過程的物理條件 / Searching for the Physical Conditions that Determine the Disk Evolution | 王嘉瑋、賴詩萍 | 1 | |
2011 | 以X射線連續光譜限制在GX 339-4中黑洞的自旋 / Constraint on the Spin of the Black Hole in GX 339-4 from X-ray Continuum | 蘇羿豪、周翊 | 9 | |
2011 | 中質量黑洞的質量分布函數及其起源 / The Mass Function and Origins of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in the Local Universe | 林隼成、陳林文 | 18 |
Year | Title | Authors | Pages | Download |
2012 | 造父變星在觀測宇宙學中的角色 / The Role of Cepheid Variables in Observational Cosmology | 饒兆聰 | 1 | |
2012 | 年輕星團中變星GM Cephei的光學觀測 / Photometric Observations of the Young Cluster Variable GM Cephei | 胡佳伶、陳文屏、YETI 團隊 | 10 |